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We are a consultancy dedicated to the design of strategies and project development on issues of the environment, sustainability, social development, responsible industry, transparency, corporate ethics, good governance and regulatory capacity for the public and private sectors.

We have more than 10 years of experience performing public policy analysis, stakeholder mapping, risk assessment, development of political strategies, regulatory compliance, corporate integrity, circular economy, risk projection and prevention; and analysis of ESG issues.

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We have worked with multinational companies, state and municipal governments and CSOs.

Our consultants have experience within the national and international public sector and in the private sector.

We have extensive experience in key sectors such as mining, energy, construction, transportation, automotive, airline, retail, logistics and packaging. Likewise, we have worked with the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies.


Our Clients

Help our clients maintain their sector leadership, for which we provide them with strategies in line with their vision through political, legal, social, governance and environmental intelligence that contributes to their growth and positioning in key areas according to their interests and of his clients; while preventing reputational damage and political risks.

Proposal Development

We develop a proposal to generate the greatest possible impact and implement innovative strategies to prevent conflicts based on monitoring and mapping of actors to identify current situations.

We have more than 11 years of experience in the mining-metallurgy sector in Mexico.

Mapping and analysis of political, economic, legislative and social risk at the state and national level.

The Mexican construction sector had a contraction of approximately 15% due to the pandemic.

Climate change brings several environmental challenges for Mexico.

Estimates of transactions in the retail sector in Mexico will be in the order of US$30.4 billion.

The circular economy lays the foundations to promote a new model of circular production and consumption to achieve a sustainable economy

ESG Consulting.

Political, legislative and social risk mapping. 

Mapping of key stakeholders with biopolitical profiles.

Stakeholder engagement strategy.

Analysis and detection of areas of opportunity to strengthen leaderships.

Design of special strategies by specific objective.

Legislative and regulatory monitoring.

Analysis of the impact of legal reforms and public policies.

Strategic analysis of current issues.

Mapping and elaboration of crisis scenarios with implications and emergency responses

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